Together in Christ,
We reach in – Discipleship
A focus on discipleship enriches our faith-walk through education opportunities.
The Christian Education Committee supports a variety of programs from pre-school through adults. Whether you are searching for personal study plans or enrichment for the entire family, we welcome your inquires. ALL ARE WELCOME! MEMBERSHIP IS NOT REQUIRED!
We offer Sunday School, Confirmation, VBS daycamp, Pathways Bible camping experiences, Men’s Bible study, and more.
Service projects (including “God’s work. Our hands.” events), Work Groups, and family and youth activities offer members and friends opportunities to enjoy the fellowship that nourishes our life together.
Men meet for Bible Study at 7:00 a.m. on Fridays – always leaving a chair empty for the next person to join them.
The Women of Zion (WoZ/WELCA) offer small groups for discussion and service.