• People in our community going through major health situations
  • Those living in the Warroad Senior Living Center and other nursing homes or assisted living residences, including Zion’s members:  Gladys Karlsen, Delores Saul, Virginia Storey, Lynda Curtis, Joyce Wright, Judith Landin, Roger Christian, Stan & Deb Ehrenstrom, Beverly Storey, Martha Whaley, Karen Cran
  • The vulnerable and those on the margins 
  • Peace in conflicted areas and wisdom for world leaders in response to the conflicts
  • For the Persecuted Church (visit here for a prayer guide from The Voice of the Martyrs)

For the ministries of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) 

  • Zion Lutheran Church

– Zion’s Council members:  Rick Arntzen, Shawn Brunelle, Buck Bue, Dan DeMolee, Jim Hallan, Deb Lalim, Olivia Lien, Amy Mayfield, and Kelly Thiele
– Zion Committees: Christian Education, Community Concerns, Congregational Care, Memorials, Mission Endowment Fund, Personnel, Property, Stewardship, Worship & Music
– Zion’s Pastor: Linda Wimmer 
– Zion’s staff: Vicki Dalager (Office Manager), Kamarra Brunelle (Administrative Assistant), and Steve Haats (Custodian)
– Zion’s honoraria staff: Patrick Frolander (outgoing funds), Diane Erickson (incoming funds), Shelley Galle (organist), Jim Hallan (choir director)
– Zion’s Worship Band
– Plans for pastoral leadership 

  • ELCA Prayer Ventures (click link to download a monthly calendar with daily prayer petitions) 
  • ELCA Presiding Bishop: Rev. Elizabeth Eaton 
  • NW MN Synod Bishop: Rev. Bill Tesch 
  • NW MN Synod staff: Kristina Johnson Dernier, Rev. Rebel Hurd, Rev. Genelle Netland, SAM Kathy Levenhagen, Rev. Jon Olson, Rev. Dennis Preston, Joan Meulebroeck
  • NW MN Synod contracted services: Rev. Keith Pearson, Rev. Dr. Aaron Suomala Folkerds 
  • Women of the ELCA (WELCA) and Synod Women’s Organization (SWO)
  • NW MN Synod Northern Border Conference Pastors and Congregations
  • Sign up for the NW MN Synod e-newsletter here

The prayer chain, a ministry of Zion, intercedes for those in need. To add names to the prayer chain, please notify the church office at office@zlcw.org or 218-386-1733, ext. 1.  Prayer Chain requests are not publicized unless permission is received.