Church School
Zion Lutheran Church 1301 Nelson Street NW, Warroad, MN, United States5:30 pm- Worship with 5:45 pm- release for Church School
5:30 pm- Worship with 5:45 pm- release for Church School
5:30 pm- Worship with 5:45 pm- release for Church School
An introduction with conversation about the "Growing Younger" resource our Synod provides congregations using a 28-minute video presentation.
visitation at 3:00 pm - Funeral at 4:00 pm
5:30 pm- Worship with 5:45 pm- release for Church School
An induction with conversation about research findings from the Fuller Theological Seminary Institute of Youth about how today’s teenagers are answering questions about their identity, belonging, and purpose.
5:30 pm- Worship with 5:45 pm- release for Church School